How to Find a Shamanic Portal

How to Find a Shamanic Portal

To go on a shamanic journey, practitioners use a natural opening to journey to the Lower and Upper worlds. This shamanic portal is the focal point that helps them begin to shift their consciousness. Shamanic journeying is the art of entering an altered state of...
Motivation Meditation to Be More Disciplined

Motivation Meditation to Be More Disciplined

Life is hard, right? You’re busy. There’s too much to get done. Never enough time. And you have a lot of things competing for your attention. This motivation meditation can help you get back in the groove. And how about information overload? From your...
Meditation: Explore Your Personal Power

Meditation: Explore Your Personal Power

In this post, I’ll explore the idea of personal power a little, and offer you a simple meditation to help you dive deeper into how you use yours. Your words, thoughts, and actions have power This idea has been proven out again and again. Your personal power is...