Spring has long been a time for witches and other magical folk to perform rituals that honor the season’s energies of rebirth and transformation.

That means embracing new beginnings, clearing away old energies, and planting the seeds for future growth–in the physical world and the spiritual realm.

This ritual can help you deepen your connection to the season, cleanse your space and spirit, and align with the energies of rebirth, balance, and prosperity.

Planting seeds is an ancient way to honor the earth’s fertility and celebrate growth in all its forms.

This ritual focuses on both literal and symbolic planting.

The symbolism is super simple, but it works.

It connects the act of planting with manifesting your intentions. The seeds you plant will grow alongside your personal goals and dreams.

The world is waking up. Let’s do some magic!

Seed Planting Ritual


To “plant” your intentions for the coming months and honor the Earth’s fertility.

What You Need

  • Sage or incense
  • A pot or container for planting
  • Soil
  • A few seeds (OR a small seedling, see the end of the article for this variation)
  • A green candle (to symbolize growth)
  • Pen and paper
  • Water

Ritual Instructions

1. Prepare the Space
Cleanse your area with sage or incense to ensure the energy is clear and receptive to new growth.

Invite your guardian spirits and the spirits of the Earth to be with you.

2. Set your Intention
Light your candle.

Close your eyes and reflect on what you want to nurture in your life during this time of growth.

This can be anything you’d like to achieve or bring into your life. A new job, physical or emotional healing, spiritual development, etc.

Write your intention down on a piece of paper.

Use the present tense, as though you have already achieved your desire.

For example: “I am the picture of perfect, radiant health.”

3. Bury your intention in the soil
Fold your paper with your written intention in thirds.

Place your folded paper in the bottom of the pot.

Fill your pot with soil, leaving about 3/4 of an inch of space from the top.

4. Plant your Seeds
Plant your seeds in the dirt. As you do, visualize your intention growing with the seeds.

If you’re planting flowers, think of your dreams blooming.

If you’re planting herbs or vegetables, think of the abundance that will come from your hard work.

Cover the seeds with soil, symbolizing the care and nurturing that will go into your dreams.

Once you’ve planted your seeds, say something aloud like: “In the fertile soil of this season, my desires will flourish.”

5. Water the Seeds
Give your planted seeds a small amount of water.

As you do, affirm that your intentions will be nurtured by the energy of the Earth, the sun, and the universe.

6. Close the Ritual
Thank the spirits of the Earth for supporting your intentions.

Let the candle burn out, symbolizing the continued growth of your desires.

Keep the pot in a sunny place and water daily, reaffirming your intention out loud each time you do.

What kind of seeds should you plant?

This is an easy exercise, even if you don’t have a super green thumb.

For practically foolproof results, try lettuce, basil, or radish seeds.

They’re forgiving to grow inside in a sunny windowsill, and in a few weeks, you’ll have delicious greens that you can harvest (radish microgreens are one of my favs for salad).

Sunflowers are also a great choice. When they get big enough, transplant them outside.

If you don’t have a garden center near you, most grocery stores have seed racks in the produce section in the Spring.

Here are 20 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow From Seed at home.

Scared of seeds? Re-pot a seedling using the same ritual

If starting plants from seeds is too daunting or impractical right now, transplant a seedling into a larger pot instead!

Use the same ritual, but swap in a seedling for the seeds.

I actually like to do this with the small live herb plants that you can usually find in the produce section of the grocery store.

They usually come in 3-4 inch pots, and I transplant into a 6 inch pot.

(I have one going right now with a small Rosemary that I got at the market.)

Want more plant magic?

Check out more plant medicine and magic articles.